The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

26 January 2006

Response To O'Reilly Factor- Fox News Channel Visit


To new readers arriving at The Radio Equalizer after last night's O'Reilly Factor guest visit. In addition to the essay I talked about with Bill, there are many other recent updates here on talk radio, television and politics.

Feel free to scroll down if you'd like to see them.

And to the regulars, thanks again for your support.

Meanwhile, Brainster offers his view of our Air America scandal coverage, as does Michelle Malkin, Ace Of Spades, Pardon My English and Free Republic.

Thanks also to Orbusmax, IHillary and Lundesigns.

The Political Teen has video of the segment, as does Blog For Books, while Musing Minds made a transcript. The blogosphere is officially on the ball.

Additional thanks: Viking Pundit, Memeorandum and California Conservative.

Watch for more investigative work in the days ahead and new material here later today.

Your Amazon orders that begin with clicks here, regardless of what you ultimately order, help to support this site's ongoing efforts. Thanks again for your vital assistance!

Frankenfallen: David A Lunde


  • Its amazing how you and O'reilly consistently said that AAR were spreading propaganda, but failed to site anything. What cable news network uses the statement "some people say" to report news? and you say AAR reports propaganda. You both actually said you had it out for AAR. I thought Fox news was supposed to be fair and balanced. humm

    By Blogger Iraq War Veteran, at 26 January, 2006 22:18  

  • Can I interject something here? I started listening to AAR on the internet the very first day they went on the air. I'm not crazy about Al's sense of humor (Sam is much funnier, Randi is funnier, and Marc Maron leaves them all in the dust), but his guests bring more intelligence to the radio in an hour than the collected right-wingnut spewmeisters bring in a year. Today was a great example of what I mean. Al brought on an economist from the regional Fed bank to talk about the economic payback for early childhood education. Since I'm an educator who's extremely alarmed at the right's decades-long efforts to dismantle public education, this was wonderful to hear. He got two segments to tell his story, and he made a very good job of presenting his methods and the implications for workforce development and the future of the country. He validated a big chunk of what I've believed, but he added a load of facts to back up my arguments.

    Is amadán thú, a Bhriain.

    By Blogger Jeany, at 27 January, 2006 23:07  

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